is getting very famous among new bloggers due to its easy to use features and tools.a few months ago, introuduced some of the new function including custom robots.txt for blogger blogs that really helped bloggers to customize thier blog appearance in search engines.
The first line indicates your google adsense not just do any thing with it or otherwise your adsense ads will not be relavent to your articles.
the second line indicated that your blog is allowed to be crawled by searche engines and your lables are not indexed."/" is your homepage.
third line indicated your sitemap address whihc you have entered in google webmaster tools.
Now If you want to disallow any pages or a particular pages like member login or payment pages, you just have to do it like this.
do it the same way for other pages in blogger..
creating a false custom robots.txt file will destroy your ranking in search engines in carefull when editing your custom robots.txt file.
What Is Custom Robots.txt File?
A custom robots.txt file is file that tells search engines weather to crawl or not crawl pages in your website or understand custom robots.txt for blogger,see the below example.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
The first line indicates your google adsense not just do any thing with it or otherwise your adsense ads will not be relavent to your articles.
the second line indicated that your blog is allowed to be crawled by searche engines and your lables are not indexed."/" is your homepage.
third line indicated your sitemap address whihc you have entered in google webmaster tools.
Now If you want to disallow any pages or a particular pages like member login or payment pages, you just have to do it like this.
Disallow: /p/member-login.html
do it the same way for other pages in blogger..
creating a false custom robots.txt file will destroy your ranking in search engines in carefull when editing your custom robots.txt file.
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