Now exchange your payza ,paypal and payoneer dollars in pakistan with us.This service is for the people in pakistan who do not have accounts to pay online.Many sites pay through paypal and payza but everybody does not have a paypal account or payza account .
So we decided to introduce our dollar exhange service .Now you can buy/sell and exchange your money with us with very reasonable charges in pakistan.
How We send you money
We send you money by the following.
1-Payza to easypaisa
2-payza to bank account
3-payza to omni
4-paypal to bank account transfer
5-paypal to easypaisa
6-paypal to payza.
We try to process your money as fast as we can but as you know that paypal is not available in pakistan and we are not using geniune account so if you paypal suspends our account we should not held responsible for that.Our processing time is 24-48 ours.
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